Vivero International Pre-School & Child Care in HiTech City, Hyderabad is housed in a modern building that holds warm and safe spaces for young children. An area of 8,600 square feet spread across 5 floors encapsulates environment rich in provocation both indoor and outdoor.
The school is under electronic surveillance at all times with 42 cameras recording activities across the building at all times. A bio metrically operated door restricts entry to allow only those authorized. Cleanliness and hygiene play an important role in creating safe experiences at school. With focus being on the Reggio Emilia philosophy, our teachers and caregivers are trained exclusively to work with young children and nurture them.
Vivero International Pre-School is a space where young minds are encouraged to explore and experiment, collaborate and co create; where learning is not limited to classrooms but taken to spaces like the Atelier of Art, the Tech studio and the Music Studio where learning is celebrated. Every child’s individuality is respected and learning outcomes designed to meet the needs of each one

Ms Reshmi comes with 10 years of professional experience in the field of education, research, biotechnology. She has a Master’s degree from the State University of Buffalo, New York and has worked with renowned international schools in various capacities in USA. As a passionate advocate of holistic development of children and a firm believer in child-centric education, she is committed to creating open, innovative and nurturing environment where children, teachers and parents get the opportunity to optimize their learning experience as they participate in the process. Ms Reshmi understands the importance of interactive parental engagement during early childhood development and hence advocates for strong parent partnership with the school in order to aid the process of experiential learning through everyday interaction and exploration. Also an avid reader and a travel enthusiast, Ms Reshmi firmly believes and practices Vivero’s philosophy of being a lifelong learner.