Event - Ecoworld


The celebration of Janmashtami at Vivero Ecoworld was a vibrant and joyous occasion. The preschool was adorned with colourful decorations. The children dressed up in their traditional attire and performed group dances. Pot Breaking (Dahi Handi): A highlight of the celebration was the Dahi Handi event, where a clay pot filled with flowers was hung, and the children attempted to break it. This was an exciting activity for the children. The Janmashtami celebration was a grand success, filled with enthusiasm and joy. It provided an excellent opportunity for the children to learn about Indian culture and mythology in an engaging and fun-filled environment.

Parent-Teacher Meeting

The Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM) for Unit 1 was successfully conducted at our Vivero Ecoworld, with the primary aim of discussing the progress and development of students during the first unit of the academic year. The meeting provided an opportunity for teachers and parents to collaborate closely, ensuring the best outcomes for each child. The meeting commenced with a warm welcome by the class teacher, followed by an introduction to the key areas covered in Unit 1- “Who we are”, including language skills, basic numeracy, and social interaction activities. Parents were encouraged to provide feedback on their child's experience so far, including any noticeable changes in behaviour, interest in learning, or challenges faced at home. This feedback was invaluable in tailoring future lesson plans to better meet the needs of each student. The PTM concluded with a positive note, emphasizing the importance of continued collaboration between parents and teachers to nurture the holistic development of the children.

Tricolour Day

Tricolour Day was celebrated in Vivero Ecoworld, a day filled with patriotism, joy, and learning, as our students participated in various activities that highlighted the significance of this important day. Children gathered in outdoors to sing the national anthem with pride. This was followed by singing rhymes, patriotic songs and march past. Children were engaged in making creatives for tri colour day. These activities not only allowed them to express their love for the country but also deepened their understanding of its rich history and heritage. We were thrilled to see the enthusiasm and energy of the students throughout the day. Their participation made the celebration truly memorable.

Maker Faire

Buddy Day was celebrated with immense enthusiasm at Vivero Ecoworld . The day kicked off with children eagerly arriving at school with their favourite buddies, excited to spend quality time together. They proudly showed their buddies around the school, introducing them to their teachers. The day was packed with engaging activities, with different stations such as Art Factory, where children explored Van Gogh Painting, Kandinsky art and Pablo Picasso Faces. Children were totally engrossed in the world of Claytopia, where they created mud monsters, had fun with clay moulding activities and then the Mud Hand printing. Our inventive explorers then dived into Foam Painting activity to create personalized Name Cards. The tinker town was buzzing with Paper Spinners. The highlight of the day was the Neon Room. Children were mesmerized with the concept and loved doing all neon-based activities such as glow in dark buddy day card or Henry Matisse activity. The dome was converted into Music meadow, where children drew on a board while the music played, The Scarf Dance had everyone joyfully moving to the rhythm, with both parents and children enjoying the lively atmosphere alongside their buddies. The milking cow activity was super fun where the children milked the cow which was filled with different colours. Origami was a big hit with the children creating Fish and Monsters with the help of craft paper. The children left with big smiles, marking a day full of delightful experiences. Buddy Day provided a perfect opportunity for young minds to strengthen their social skills and empathy, encouraging them to build friendships and cooperate with peers. It also boosted their confidence and supported a positive, welcoming environment for all.

Transition Program (2023-24)

Transition program for all grade levels kickstarted on 17th April,2023. Transition activities intentionally curated for continuity in curriculum, expectations, and experiences across settings while offering social and emotional support. We believe that environments and routines that encourage shared endeavour, or special time in small groups, are invaluable for children building new friendships and developing a sense of security following a transition. We are aware that our young learners are steadily and gradually forming bonds with new companions and facilitators as they progress through the grades. The children are enjoying the experience of adapting to the new classrooms, routine, and the teachers. Here are a few glimpses from our transition program.

Culmination Day 2023

At Vivero, we ‘Celebrate’ 'Culmination Day’ to showcase the parents our children’s learning engagements and outcomes.

There is always a sense of excitement that builds leading up to the Culmination. This excitement can be seen not just in the children but in their parents as well.

On Saturday 11th Feb, we celebrated culmination day at RMZ. Parents were very excited to see children work. Our little ones were all ready to showcase their learning engagements. K1 and K2 children performed for our parents which included rhymes and skits. The parents were also taken on journey regarding Unit 3. It was certainly a very creative and inspiring day for all the parents.


Halloween Mega event was held in our GTP centre. The event was the combined efforts of our RMZ and GTP centre. It was a huge success. Parents were very happy with the décor and arrangements. Teachers along with the support staff had put in lot of efforts in organizing games and activities for children. The sale of coupons increased in the middle of the event as the games were very attractive. The highlight of the event was the dance room and the cone decoration counter. Vendors with stalls had a good sale of their products. Here are a few pics of the event.

Grandparents Day

On 23rd September, we celebrated GrandParents day. Surprisingly 40 grandparents attended the event. For some of them it was most memorable day as they had never experienced this before. We also heard that some grandparents travelled to Bangalore just to attend this event and be with their grandchild.
The event started with a welcome at the gate for all followed by some welcome drink.
GrandParents introduced themselves and also spoke about their grandchildren.
They were very excited to play games and even did some craft activities along with the children. They event culminated with Antakshari and snacks and beverages.

100 days of school

The 100th day of school is an exciting time in the Vivero classrooms! Quite literally, this day signifies the 100th day of class in the school year. The symbolic representation, however, is much greater than that. The 100th day marks a special opportunity to reflect upon and celebrate major milestones that represents progress, growth, and achievement.

The children of Pre nursery were very excited to give 100 finger prints to make the craft activity to mark 100 days. It was looking like 100 gumballs. The Nursery children made googles with 100 number cut-out. They were looking cool with their artistic piece of googles. K1 class did head gear and wrist band for 100 days and they also made caterpillar with 100 legs with thumb print of children and letters written on it. The children of K2 class were thrilled to fill the cookie jar with 100 new words they learnt in class this year. The also made a 100 days brighter badge and a certificate for completing 100 days of school.

Clean up drive

The children of K2 made posters on Save Energy and visited other classes to explain the importance of Energy conservation and Waste segregation.
They did a clean-up drive in school, where they segregated the waste in the Green and blue bins.

Independence Day Celebration

Independence Day promotes nationalism and patriotism towards the nation. It is one of the great days everyone remembers the sacrifices made by our freedom fighters to get Independence. Also, it teaches everyone to know the importance of Independence.
The children of Vivero International School, RMZ branch came dressed in tricolor. They were very excited to see the school decorated in tri color craft works. The children of Nursery class made a tri color badge. They enthusiastically participated in making it and they were even happier to take them home.
The children of K1 class made hand print in tricolor, they thoroughly enjoyed doing this activity. The children of K2 class participated in the March past for the Independence day Parade, saluted the flag and sang the National Anthem. They also made and colored tricolor flag.

First Aid Training

Teachers are more than just educators who not just teach children but are also responsible for ensuring a safe and secure environment for their students at school. Being a teacher is truly a rewarding profession and it is important that all educators are prepared for any situation in school. The classroom is usually one of the safest places for a child especially when they have a facilitator with proper first aid training. We believe, with the right knowledge, they will be able to act quickly in case of an emergency. Our yearly first aid training was one such initiative to ensure our teachers know how to keep the children calm and safe during an incident. This training focussed on imparting skills which will aid in saving lives and preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of incidents. The training included teaching of the simplest instructions, the body of theories, and hands-on experience. We truly embrace our role in providing a safe, secure, and stimulating environment for our children!

Literacy and Numeracy - iLearn@Vivero

Literacy and Numeracy develops through the interactions a child experiences with others in their environment. For example, through hearing stories reading books and showing children pictures with words, games and activities to identify letters, rhymes and songs. Here is a glimpse of our children enjoying various numeracy and literacy activities which assist them in building their learning abilities!

Learning Environment - iLearn@Vivero

At Vivero, we have built up great diversity and innovation of experiences to engage children in safe and secure environment. Our Young learners improve on reading, comprehension skills, illustrating or reinforcing a skill or concept and differentiating instruction. Here we have our facilitators fostering a visually rich meaningful learning environment at iLearn creating an effective and interactive experience for our children!!

Annual Day

The annual concert was truly a splendid kaleidoscope in motion; a toolbox for making learning visible as we zoomed into a spectacular world of music, drama and action!
Our Annual Day worked as a ‘CAMERA’, a wonderful tool to capture the ‘PICTURE’ as our children took the centre stage. It served as a translator, narrating the magnificent growth and learning captured throughout the academic year.

Open House

Open House which was hosted on 25th January at School was a spectacular event.The structure was built on children’s sense of responsibility and accountability for their own learning, and it helped them to hone their understanding of what it means to meet the learning targets. The teachers held discussions with the children to find out what experiences they have had with the topic and what they already know about it. The children represented their experiences and showed great understanding of all important elements of the curriculum. Parents were encouraged to ask questions to the children about the topic and to share any relevant expertise. Each child was involved in representing what he or she is learning, and each child worked on his or her own level in terms of basic skills. It was certainly a joyous display of teamwork, cooperation, organisation as children spoke clearly and confidently in front of the audience.

Nam oru Habba

The event was designed with the concept of re-creating a ‘feel’ of a traditional Kannada village fair for the children and their parents to experience.
Children excitedly rushed over towards the traditional kitchen set-up and even tried their hands at grinding the ‘ragi’ in a ‘chakli’; sieving the flour and making the ‘rotis’. Various rustic games were organized based on the popular ones which are played in villages such as ‘Pagade’ and ‘chowkabara’. Taking turns at milking a live cow added to the experience as well.
A whole range of creative art-activity such as making-a-tribal-face-mask, Kite-painting and Rangolis kept everybody happy and busy. Toddlers and infants were equally enthusiastic as they tried-on traditional attires from the dress-up-corner. The Bangle-lady engaged most of the children with free bangles while the Parrot reader turned out to be a major attraction for both parents and children as they visited the stall for a session. Children could not hide their amazement as they witnessed a live, trained parrot taking part in the act. The ‘Panja Contest’ for the fathers towards the end was a major hit as well. The event wrapped up with a beautiful ‘Dandiya’ performance with all children and their parents rocking on the dance floor.

Culmination Day

19th October was our Culmination Day and parents were invited to school to view the work done by their children.
They were led by the children and taken through the learning domains. Our children were thrilled to showcase their learning and even more excited were the parents to listen to them. The highlight of the day was the energetic performance of our children’s dance and skit.

Grandparents Day

Grandparents ‘Day was celebrated with many eager grandparents coming to school along with their grandchildren and taking part in exciting activities that were lined up for them. Children made cards, badges and medals for their grandparents and expressed their love for them in many ways.

Adventure Awaits

The awesome adventure began with little infants and toddlers entering the world of Egypt.

The children were enticed into the mazes ,puzzles , treasure hunt and more, so were the parents who were able to relive their childhood .It was an amazing experience for the children as well as parents.

Bambi Movie Night Event 2019

“I love Bambi” said Nyesha, student of K1.
Yes! Everybody just loved our movie night “Bambi”. It was so relaxing and comfortable with friends and family around.
Munching the freshly popped corn in the cool fresh breeze was just cherry on the top.
“Movie night once more!”- Every child’s demand. Simply fun!

Christmas Carnival 2018

Ho! Ho! Ho! Santa was here!!!! What an amazing evening we had at VIVERO, RMZ Ecoworld on 16th of December. Mums, Dads and the lovely children enjoyed all the treats along with the great fun at bouncy castle and the train ride. What else could you ask for when you get presents from Santa. Nobody wanted this evening to end. Super fun time for all.